Bye bye boredom in the car! These fun and colorful Road Trip Printables will help keep the kids occupied on the road! With these road trip activities and a few delicious, kid-friendly snacks, you'll have the kids happy and entertained for hours. And that will certainly make car trips more enjoyable for everyone!
Before having kids, traveling required a lot less preparation! My husband and I would do some last-minute packing, get in the car, and complete a 6 hour trip to the beach with only one stop for gas. We were in a spontaneous pack and go season of life.
How things have changed! Kids add more complexity to travels and trips, but they also add a whole new element of fun! I've learned that as long as my kids have a few activities and snacks, they are happy traveling companions. That's not to say we don't still experience the occasional, "Are we there yet?" or "She took that from me?" Anyone who has traveled with kids knows what I'm talking about. Bwhaha!
I've always been a believer that the trip itself should be a big part of the fun. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "It's the journey, not the destination." I think that's true metaphorically in life and literally when it comes to car trips. We try to make the journey a BIG part of the fun. And we always opt for driving over flying. That's where these fun printables come in handy! We have a beach trip planned for next week, so I designed these activities to give the kids a few fun things to do on the road. Be sure to follow me over on Instagram because I'm sure I'll be sharing photos and video of our trip.
What's a road trip without snacks? I always pack a cooler or bag filled with nutritional and convenient snacks for the road. That's what makes Dannon® Danimals® Yogurt Smoothies such a great option. The smoothies are portable, great-tasting, and packed with vitamin D and calcium. And just look at the cute designs!
I'm not sure what started their habit of always clinking their cups together, but I think it's cute. Apparently, these Dannon® Danimals® Yogurt Smoothies are clink-worthy.
Grab some snacks and print off these fun pages to prepare for your family's next road trip.
Share these fun printables with others by pinning them to one or more of your Pinterest boards!
We are getting really excited about our upcoming trip to the beach! Does your family have a trip planned soon? I'd love to hear about it. Here's to making the journey just as fun as the destination! And for some nutritious, convenient snack options, be sure to visit here!
Happy travels!

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