How do you prefer your coffee? During the steaming, hot months of summer, I love my coffee iced! If you're looking for an iced coffee recipe to enjoy this summer, here's a quick and easy version using Folgers® Coffeehouse Blend Coffee.
When I was growing up, I'd wake up every morning to the rich aroma of my dad's Folgers® coffee brewing in the kitchen. It's an aroma that takes me back to my childhood. He'd sit there with his newspaper and coffee and invite me to sit down and chat with him as he'd scoot the box of doughnuts he'd bought that morning over to me.
As I got older, this time together evolved into us both enjoying a steaming mug of hot Folgers® coffee over a shared newspaper, conversation, and laughs. Folgers® coffee really was the best part of waking up!
My dad passed away a few years ago, but the memories of those mornings spent together are still strong. My affinity for Folgers® coffee has remained strong, too. I have to confess that I veered off to some other brands for a little while. The next time I picked up a mug of Folgers® again felt like coming home. I know it sounds a bit cheesy, but have you ever had a taste or smell bring back a flood of memories for you? That's what Folgers® does for me. Here I am getting mushy about coffee, and you're probably ready to hear about this delicious and easy recipe for iced coffee. Well, let's get to it...
As I mentioned earlier, when the weather heats up, I like to enjoy an iced coffee as opposed to a mug of hot coffee. It gets hot here in the south, so I find it more refreshing on those hot, humid days.
This recipe is the easiest way to enjoy an iced coffee from home. It's so easy that I'm not even sure you can call it a true recipe. It's more like combining three simple ingredients together and magically ending up with a creamy, refreshing coffee beverage. Yes, that's right! There are just three ingredients--the main ingredient being Folgers® coffee. Although I love all of the Folgers® coffee varieties, I picked up Folgers® Coffeehouse Blend from Kroger for this recipe because it's rich, bold taste comes through even after icing the coffee down. Ready to try it for yourself? Here's my quick and easy--dare I say--recipe for Iced Coffee!
- 1 cup brewed coffee (I use Folgers® Coffeehouse Blend Coffee.)
- 1-3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
- ice
- Brew a mug of coffee. You'll need about 1 cup.
- Dissolve 1-3 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk into the hot coffee. You can sweeten it to your taste preferences.
- Fill a glass with ice. I use mason jars. Since they are intended for canning, they can withstand the heat from the coffee.
- Pour the sweetened coffee over the prepared glass of ice and stir. Pop a straw in and it's ready!
Coffee is alway best when shared with others, so be sure to pin this recipe to share it and pass it along. Oh, and don't forget to make a few glasses to serve the next time you have company. It's sure to be a hit with all your coffee-loving friends and family! Hey, dads might even enjoy some on Father's Day coming up. (Hint, hint!) I know I always enjoyed having coffee with my dad.
Love this recipe? You might also enjoy my recipe for White Chocolate Lattes!
Grab your cup of coffee, get cozy, and click on over to visit the Folgers® website for more delicious coffee recipes. Well, I'm off to enjoy my iced coffee outside while watching the kids play. Enjoy your day! I'm sure this recipe will get it off to a great start.
Happy coffee drinking!

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