Saturday, July 26, 2014

An Inspirational Painted Sign

A few months back I started a quest to find the perfect wall hanging for our eat-in kitchen. I wanted to replace the one pictured below.

I was almost hesitant to share that photo with you. It all looks so bland and dated to me now. Everyone loves a good before and after though. Right? Well, there's your before. That photo was taken when Tim and I were just starting out--newlyweds in a brand new home with mostly hand-me-downs. A friend of mine would visit and comment on my minimalist style. I really just had a minimum budget--still do. Through the years, the space has seen a lot of changes. Getting things just the way I want is always a long process for me. I'm not impulsive when it comes to decor. I plan, sketch, envision, shop around, and only purchase when I find something I love. I just wasn't feeling the love for that picture anymore. The day my quest started, a conversation took place that went something like this...

Tim: What are you looking at?
Me: {standing in the kitchen looking at the wall} That picture! I just don't like it anymore.
Tim: {leaning on the door frame and admiring the picture} Why? I've always liked it.
Me: I used to like it too. It made me think of Europe, and my dream to travel there again. Dreams change though. I want something different hanging there now. I need a change. (I've needed a lot of those since daddy passed away.) I need something...uplifting? special? eye-catching? A statement piece! I don't know...just different.
Tim: Whatever you think. You always make things look nice around here, so I'm sure you'll figure something out.
Me: Thanks. I will! In fact, I'm going to go look on Etsy right now.

And that's when my search began. After two hours, multiple shops, and one cup of coffee, I'd found EXACTLY what I was looking for--the listing here. Both the quote and the chalkboard effect were perfect! I thought about it for a week trying to envision it in the space. Remember I'm not impulsive when it comes to buying things for the house. I like to fill my home with things that make me happy. Every time I looked at it online, I knew it was what I wanted. The trouble was the 12 in. by 12 in. dimensions weren't going to work for that space. I sent a message to the seller and heard back from her quickly. She graciously offered to work something out that would give me the size I needed.

Brittany of Ellison Made had no idea at the time how truly sentimental that item was. She thought she was just agreeing to do a custom order, but it meant so much more to me than that. The words "It is well with my soul" are ones that have carried me through some hard times lately--miscarriage, loss, trials, life changes... That hymn was even sung during daddy's funeral at my mom's request. The author wrote those words in the midst of his own great loss. I've listened to the song often because it reminds me that it really is well with my soul.  "Though trials should come" my faith will remain firmly rooted in God. HE is my strength and my fortress! My soul finds peace in HIM.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

My kitchen now holds a beautiful reminder of God's faithfulness. It's there for myself, our visitors, and now for you to see...
Wall hanging: Ellison Made
Seating: ottomans I pulled from another place in the house
Map pillow: Ikea
Other pillows: handmade
Basket: Hobby Lobby
Magazines: Old copies of Domino--my favorite!

What inspirational pieces have you decorated with? Do you have something with a quote in your home? I'd love to hear about it!

Happy decorating!

Image Map


  1. Beautiful!!! I love your posts and new ideas!

  2. I feel so blessed to play a small role in bringing a sense of comfort and healing to your home. Tears are flowing as I read this and listen to the song. "Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well!" God bless your sweet family, Jennifer :)

    1. Thank you, sweet friend, for catering to my wishes and making it for me. It truly has already become one of my favorite things in the house.

  3. Absolutely love this Jenn! Just gorgeous and perfect!

  4. Beautiful! Pinned. Hugs! Lou Lou Girls


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