Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fabric Garland for Spring

I recently received a position as a contributor on See Vanessa Craft. For my first post, I shared a tutorial on how I make the fabric garlands I added to my shop last December. I've see a lot of scrap fabric garlands floating around the internet. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I wanted to make mine more intricate than just sewing snipped scraps together. The process I use makes them reversible and more durable. I also love using the coordinated fabric bundles from Raspberry Creek Fabrics when sewing these. It takes the guesswork out pairing fabrics together and allows me to create a garland with a cohesive look. You can click here for the full tutorial.

Vanessa suggested that this particular garland would be cute for a Mother's Day brunch. I love that idea! With Mother's Day right around the corner, I'd like to give one away to a very deserving mother. Leave a comment telling me what makes your mother (or another mother you know) special. I'll randomly select one momma from the comments as the recipient of their own fabric garland. Please comment before midnight (EST) on Saturday, May 10. The winner will be announced on Mother's Day! So...
do you know a special momma deserving of a little treat?

Happy Mother's Day!
Image Map


  1. It's just so pretty! I love how you've made this (I've popped over to see the tutorial) easy but nicely made - and it's just so pretty!

  2. Cute! I'd love to share why I think I have the most special mom. While I could go on and on about she taught me to cook, sew, bake cute kids cakes, craft and water ski I don't think that is as half as important as the fact that she raised me to be the strong Christian woman I am now. She taught Sunday School, took us to church every Sunday and taught us Bible stories. I am thankful for a mom who not only cared for my physical needs but helped feed my spiritual needs as well. God has certainly given me the best mom I could have asked for!

    1. Jessica, she sounds like a beautiful lady! Your comment was randomly selected as the winner. I'd love to send both you and your mom a garland. Can you e-mail me at jenniferdawn84@gmail, so I can get your address? Thanks!

  3. Love the colors for this garland! My mom is special to me because I know no matter what, she will always be there for me and support me in anyway I need. When I had my son and my husband had to go back to work right away, I didn't ask for the help, but my mom came over every day for a week. I obviously don't have any memories of her taking care of me as a baby, but seeing her with my son gives me a glimpse of what she was like as a mom to me...and I hope to be as great of a mom as her!

  4. These make me soo happy to look at! I think it must be the fabric. So cute

  5. perfect for my mom, love the colors :)

  6. my mother is so kind and caring. she is always willing to step up and make things better if something is wrong. my mother adores my daughter and would bring her the sun if she wanted it. I am so grateful for a mother that is so caring and loving.

  7. I want to nominate the best mother I know. And she happens to be my very own mom, Sylvia. I love her so much and I am so grateful that I get to be her daughter and friend.

  8. My mom has had to overcome a lot in the last year and a half. She is a strong and Godly woman! I love her.

  9. This garland is so adorable. I love the idea of using already bundled fabrics. I think choosing coordinating fabrics is by far the biggest headache to me!

  10. This is so pretty! I love the fabrics!


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