Monday, March 31, 2014

Turning One

*Disclaimer: I received free product for this post in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opions are my own.
My baby boy turned one on March 16!  In lieu of a party, we hosted a family get-together on the Friday before his big day. There was dinner, cake, and a DIY photo booth for some picture taking fun! I wanted this party to be all about making memories and it really was!
The Invitations
We got the invites from Tiny Prints. Aren't they cute?! I loved them so much that I themed the whole party around them.

The Food and Decorations
The party set-up was simple and budget-friendly--proving that you can have a fantastic party with very little expense or stress. We enjoyed dinner together as a family. For dessert, there was a non-dairy cake with vegan icing since Caleb is severely allergic to milk. Here's the recipe for you!

The Entertainment
I made props for some photo booth fun.  Lydia Grace especially loved this and tried to be in every picture! What can I say? She loves to be in the spotlight. Click here to see how we made the photo booth and the props.

 Uncle Carl and Aunt Allison joined in too...

 Here are Tim's parents and step parents with the kids. I bet you can tell which is Tim's dad...

The Birthday Boy
Caleb loved having everyone sing the birthday song to him. His reaction towards the cake was a different story though. He is an exceptionally picky eater. The silly guy started gagging before he even tried a bite. In the beginning, he just looked at it skeptically as if to say, "You want me to do what with this?" Although he had fun making a mess with it, he did not eat any cake or icing. It was cute watching him with it though.
Sweet, happy boy! You are such a blessing, and I love you so much!
Happy birthday!
Image Map


  1. Sweet photos and a cute party!

  2. So cute! Looks like a great party celebration!

  3. Happy birthday! I love that it was a low-key yet still super sweet party with just family. Gabriel's 1st went really well but it was pretty big. I think next time we'll try to simmer it down a bit. Love Tiny Prints.

    XO/Lena @ Root&Blossom

    Everything looks so cute and festive and FUN
    You definitely had a wonderful party


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