Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April's Goals: Monthly Goal Link Up

Here is this month's post for the goal setting journey I'm on with several fellow bloggers. Just to recap, my goals for March were...
For the family:
*The hubby and I finally got that date night on our anniversary. We really need to go out more though.
*Click here for Lydia Grace's party and here for Caleb's birthday celebration.
For the home:
*I STILL have some sewing projects to finish for the boys' room. I got a little distracted with other areas of the home like adding touches of spring and the new homeschool room.
*The house is fresh and clean for spring!
For the blog:
*Check and check!
For the Etsy shop:
*Umm...no. It just hasn't been a priority.
For me:
*We didn't have a craft night, but I went on a shopping trip to Atlanta with two friends.
*Let's just skip this one. Just kidding. I have lost a few pounds from eating better, but I didn't get around to picking up that racket.
For others:
*Quadruple check!!!!

Now that March has ended, it's time to look forward to the month of April...

SMART goals
Cohosted by:
What are your goals for April?
Happy goal setting!
Image Map


  1. I love your April goals - and hooray for finally getting that date!

    1. Thanks! Yes, we FINALLY got that date night. We went out to eat and watched a movie together. Simple and sweet.


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