Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Easy Spring Decor

There is a room in our home that has been having an identity crisis!
The blueprints for the house call it an office. When we first moved in, it sat empty for months. The hubby eventually turned it into "man cave" complete with football helmets as bookends and jerseys as decor. I know! Awful, right? Since I was using one of the spare bedrooms as a craft room, I guess it was only fair to let him have the space.

Fast forward years later...

With three little ones in the house now, both the "man cave" and the craft room have ceased to exist. That left this space without a purpose again.

The room's location off the garage and it's ceramic floors make it a perfect mud room. The size of the room makes it a perfect den or bonus room, though. It's proximity to the laundry room sometimes causes it to become a temporary or not so temporary folding station. I am wanting to turn it into our schoolroom since Lydia Grace will start kindergarten in the fall, and we'll be homeschooling. It's the only room in our house that doesn't know what it wants to be.

Whatever the room is or will become, it still needed to be spruced up for spring. ComFree's blog, as well as the House Beautiful blog have both been excellent resources for doing just that. After reading "Top Design Picks for 2014" and "Using Color and Texture to Match the Season", I became inspired to liven up this confused little space...
Just like the articles I shared above suggest, I cleaned away the winter grime, brought in new accessories, mixed in some different patterns and textures, and changed the window treatments. The tray on the table was one with outdated designs that I found in the garage. I sanded and spray painted it white. That's become my favorite things to do with old pieces--just paint them white. Bringing in fresh flowers is a must for spring decor. I love the new mix of colors and textures. Making small changes to the room has brightened it and made it springy and inviting until it finally finds its true purpose and identity. Do you have a space in your home that needs to be livened up or one with an identity crisis like this one?
Happy decorating!
Image Map


  1. Your room looks lovely! The fresh flowers are a great touch- looks just like spring! :)

    1. Thank you! I love fresh flowers. I've been bringing them home all winter to brighten things up. I shop the discount flower bins at our grocery store. I think these were only $3. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Daisies are my favorite, so I love seeing those! Also love your yellow curtains.

    I'm following on Twitter & Google+... your blog is beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you are following along now. It's good to have you. Daisies are one of my favorite flowers too.

  3. What a beautiful room!!
    I love the flowers, but it's not surprising as I just love pink or white flowers :)

  4. I love-love-love daisies... Loved how you added touches of Spring in your decor. Thanks so much for linking up to the party. Hugs!!

    1. I love daisies too! They are such happy flowers! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Very pretty. I especially like the long yellow curtains! I feel like my whole house has an identity crisis - all the rooms have turned into craft rooms . . .

    1. Thanks. The curtains are my favorite part too. I got them from Target. That sounds like my kind of house--a craft house!


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