I think this needs to become a tradition...
It certainly wasn't an afternoon in New York City watching a Broadway production, climbing the steps of the Empire State Building, or shopping the aisles of Mood. Did I tell you that I was supposed to visit New York City this weekend? Well, I was. My best friend and I had been planning the trip for over a month after talking about going on and off for the last 14 years. We were finally going to get that trip--one to celebrate us both turning 30 this year. I couldn't believe that we were actually going. I never leave my kids, so I surprised myself when I agreed to it. I guess one of the things I've learned from losing daddy is to not let opportunities pass you by.
This opportunity just didn't work out though. I'll spare you all of the details. Let's just say that after a lot of snow, our flights getting cancelled, our rescheduled flights getting cancelled, and way too many non-refundable dollars later...the trip was off. I was bummed. I had a good cry, lamented to family and friends, spent hours trying to get through to the airline to get a refund on the flight, and then vowed to try to make the best of the situation. I started trying to think of positives for not going. (I'll warn you--some of them may have been a bit of a stretch.)
The hubby had taken time off to watch the kids. That was now time that I would get to spend with him too.
I could enjoy the roses he bought me for Valentine's Day before they withered.
Caleb ended up getting sick. If I had gone, I wouldn't have been there for him when he needed me.
Despite non-refundable trip investments, I saved money in the end by not going. (I was trying to be practical with this one.)
I didn't miss out on any snuggles and kisses from my kids.
Perhaps I was just being selfish trying to take a trip like that. Selfishness is not an admirable trait. (The hubby and my mom didn't agree with this one. They both told me that taking a break and treating myself every once in a while is not selfish. It did feel a little self-indulgent though,)
It's cold in New York City--much colder than here. I don't like to be cold.
Perhaps it isn't the ideal destination that my romanticized views have made it out to be. Perhaps...
I would have missed out on Valentine's Day with my family.
And these sugary sweet memories would not have been made...
Lydia Grace--She was so excited to make cookies. After putting the sprinkles on just so, she gobbled up the entire cookie. And that smile! It was so sweet because she wanted to decorate a cookie for her daddy too.
Eli--He is always so hesitant to make a mess or to get things on his hands. Look at that face! I love how he ended up just eating the icing off his cookie.
Caleb--My sweet boy! He enjoyed just hanging out since he isn't quite ready for cookies. It makes my heart happy to remember how adorable he looked going between sipping on his rice milk and smiling up at me.
It wasn't breakfast in front of Tiffany's (I'm a big Audrey Hepburn fan!), Times Square, or the bustling pace of a big city humming around me...
It was just home.
Quiet. Simple. Relaxed.
It was smiles and laughter. It was sprinkles and frosting.
It was the sweet goodness of family.
The dream of New York City is still there, but I'm already living the best dream of all!
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy memories!

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