Friday, February 28, 2014

March's Goals: Monthly Goal Link Up

It's time for another installment of the goal setting journey I'm taking with several fellow bloggers.  Here were my goals for February...
For the family:
*A date night has still not happened.  I know.  I know.  I'm embarrassed.  We spend time together in the evenings once the kids are in bed, but an actual "date" has not happened for us.
*I planned several fun outings for the kids this month.  Success!
*Click here for a picture of the Valentine goodies I gave the kids.
For the home:
*I still have some sewing projects to finish for the boys' room.
*I had everything prepared before my trip.  The trip itself just didn't happen though.  (Keep reading...)
For the blog:
*Yes, I posted about 4 times each week.
*Yes, the giveaway ends tonight.
*I shared one sewing project.  It was a paper garland tutorial.
For the Etsy shop:
*Editing photos is half the battle.  I'm getting there.
*Does brainstorming count?
For me:
*Due to snow storms, my flights kept getting cancelled.  It was a mess!  My bags were packed, tickets bought, reservations made...  Everything was set, but the weather just wasn't allowing it to happen.  I blogged a little bit about it here.  My sister did the sweetest thing to help make up for my cancelled trip.  Click here to see.
*I've been eating healthier, but I haven't lost any of the post-baby weight yet.  I feel like when the weather gets warmer, I'll be able to get out and start walking it off.
For others:
*Prizes were mailed.
*I started writing things down in my planner to pray for each week.  As soon as I told someone I was going to pray about something for them, I wrote it down.

Now that February is coming to a close, it's time to share my goals for March...

SMART goals
Cohosted by:

What are your goals for March?
Happy goal setting!
Image Map


  1. I love that you included Random Acts of Kindness as a goal! Happy Anniversary this month!

  2. happy anniversary! the sewing projects sound fun :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope you finally get that date night!

  4. I love this idea! I really need to start doing the same. Ok, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! If you'd like to participate, the rules and questions are over on my blog at I can't wait to read all about you!


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