Monday, February 17, 2014

February Sponsors and a BIG Giveaway

Raspberry Creek Fabrics is truly my favorite online shop for designer fabric.  The fabrics in the picture above are my most recent buys, and I can't wait to sew with them!  Things to love about this shop: wonderful customer service, fast shipping, great selection, affordable prices!

Hobbies from the Heart is one of my favorite suppliers of paper goods and packaging supplies like stickers, seals, glassine bags, baker's twine, and paper cutouts.  Marianne, the shop owner, also has a new line of products.  The shop recently added a jewelry section with simple pieces perfect for everyday wear.

Earth Cookies Creations carries a wide variety of unique products from party wares and banners to gift items and packaging.  There is also a Package of Pretties Club Kit where you can purchase monthly packages of handmade goodies.  How fun is that?!

Cindy's blog Cinsarah has a little bit of everything from recipes to home decor.  Not only does she have a beautiful blog where she shares posts like this nursery, but she also has her own blog design business and Etsy shop.

Kelly of Sew Crafty Cat loves to share sewing projects, crafts, and her adventures as a wife and mother on her blog.  As an Etsy shop owner, she has picked up some "tricks of the trade" that she has also been sharing with her readers.  Here are two great posts to check out: opening your shop and photographing the products.  Happy reading!

Tanya at The Natural Homeschool is not only a fellow blogger, but she is also someone I'm honored to call a friend.  I'm truly in awe of her many talents.  Her blog covers topics such as homeschooling and natural living.  Be sure to take some time to explore it for yourself!

Lena's blog Root & Blossom is a lifestyle blog filled with posts on travel, crafts, recipes, and life!  It's a lovely spot that I'm sure you'll want to visit again and again.  Take a peek at the cute items in her Etsy shop too!

Now here is the fun part!  My very generous sponsors have offered up some amazing prizes for a giveaway.  One lucky reader will win all of this...

This is huge!  I have never been this excited about a giveaway.  Want to be the lucky winner of...
*Fabric bundle from Raspberry Creek Fabrics
*$35 gift certificate to Earth Cookie Creations
*Package of Paper Goodies from Hobbies from the Heart
*Prize Pack from Bluebird Cottage Designs (my own little Etsy shop)
*Ad space on Cinsarah
*Ad space on Sew Crafty Cat

Follow the directions below to enter.  Good luck!
Happy entering!
Image Map


  1. The fabric from Raspberry Creek Fabrics will go perfectly with the makeover I have in store for my boys' room!

  2. What a great giveaway!!! :-) I am most excited about the prize pack from Bluebird Cottage Designs!

  3. What a giveaway! I would love to win!

  4. I am most excited about Hobbies from the Heart & Blue Bird Cottage.

  5. Love the fabric - would be a fabulous gift for my mom or sister (since I don't sew!).

  6. Love the fabric, but I think I'm most excited about everything from Hobbies from the Heart - oh the ideas!!!

  7. The fabric from Raspberry Creek Fabrics - I do not have a blog. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  8. I would love to win the Earth Cookie Creations prize

  9. What a great giveaway! Everything is fantastic! :)
    [email protected]

  10. I am excited about all of it! Seriosuly!!! I just started sewing and crafting and this woiuld be an awesome addition for me! Thanks so much for the post and giveaway!!!

  11. I am most excited about the fabric I love to sew and do crafts.

  12. I am most excited about the fabric I love to sew and do crafts.

  13. OMG I love fabric! That is downright exciting!

  14. the fabric!!! i hand piece and hand quilt and donate all of my quilts to charity. but my income is less than four hundred dollars monthly for disability so buying fabric is out of the question. so i really hope i win so i can continue to pay it forward. [email protected]

  15. I am most excited about the fabric.

  16. i'm most excited about the fabric.. i got a new sewing machine for christmas and i could use some new fabric to break it in!

  17. Wow. I can't say I'm just excited about one of them because I am beyond excited for all of them. This is the ultimate giveaway for not only a crafter but a crafter who's looking for more exposure. The prizes are so amazing. I would make so many crafts out of all of them. And the ad space is such a great thing for exposure. I would love to win.

  18. I'm most excited about the fabric. I love to sew.

  19. I'm excited about ALL of the prizes!! This is such a great giveaway. Loving all of the Etsy shops!

  20. Loving all of the support from the Etsy shops! Such great stuff to pick out... if I win :)

  21. A BIG thanks to everyone who entered! I wish we could give prizes out to everyone! Thanks!


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