Sunday, January 12, 2014

Foam Dough: Sensory Dough Series

Welcome to a new series--12 Months of Sensory Dough!  Each month 11 fellow bloggers and I will share with you our playtime adventures involving a different kind of dough.  This month's theme is Foam Dough!

As a busy mother of three, I’m always looking for fun, educational activities that can be done with things readily found around the house.  I love creating dough for the kids to play with that uses ingredients commonly found in the kitchen and home.  That's why foam dough is so perfect.  When searching for an easy recipe, I found this fantastic post that suggested using shaving cream and cornstarch.  Since "my take" in this series is all about simplicity and convenience, substitutions can be made...

Creamy Ingredient + Powdery Ingredient=Foam Dough

Creamy ingredient: Choose shaving cream, hair mousse, or whipped cream (for little ones who may try to eat the dough).
Powdery ingredient: Choose Corn starch or flour (whichever you have handy).

1. Put a generous portion of your creamy ingredient into a bowl.
2. Gradually add the powdery ingredient and stir until the mixture reaches a fluffy, dough-like consistency.
3. Pour it out for the kids.
4. Play and have fun!
I laid wax paper down first to help contain the mess.  Eli was pretty apprehensive about it.  You can see that he is watching his big sister before giving it a try himself.  He doesn't like to get messy.  Lydia Grace dug right in though.  Clean-up was easy.  The dough mixture washed right off, and then I just threw the wax paper away with all the remaining dough.  It was such a fun sensory activity!

You can read more about the Sensory Dough Series here.
Meet the co-hosts:

Do you have a foam dough recipe or activity that you would like to share?  Read these guidelines and join in with our foam dough fun!

Next month: Cloud Dough!

Happy playing!


  1. I love the idea of using whipping cream to make this edible for little little ones!! I will have to try it :)

    1. Great! I hope they have as my fun with it as my daughter did. I have to tell you this... Since the dough looked like snow, she built a snowman with it and started singing the line from the movie Frozen, "Do you want to build a snowman." Loved it!

  2. I like how you put it - a creamy ingredient and a powdery ingredient. I wonder if you could use whipping cream and powdered sugar? My littlest one would love that. :D

    1. Thanks! Using powdered sugar might work... I'm curious to try that now--adding whipping cream and powdered sugar together to get dessert dough. :)

    2. I'm guessing the sugar would dissolve rather quickly in the whipping cream...

    3. Due to the nature of powdered sugar, it may. It would certainly be interesting to try.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! My goal was to promote this as something that can easily be done with whatever you happen to have handy.

  4. I love Eli's look of hesitation in the pictures, so cute! Your dough turned out extra fluffy. It looks awesome!!

    1. I know. He is my cautious child. They are both very different. Thanks for visiting.

  5. I love this post! Your pictures are fantastic! thank you for co-hosting with me. I can't wait to see next month!

    1. Thanks for that sweet compliment. Excited about next month too!

  6. Whipping cream? What a wonderful (and tasty!) idea - I love it
    I don't have kids yet, but I do have many(!!) nephews and nieces
    I really need to try this dough. I'm sure I'm going to have lots of fun :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad you are going to give it a try with them. I'm sure they will have fun!

  7. What a fun series! I will have to remember this and try them for my little girls!

    Thanks so much for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse Party. I will be featuring these tomorrow. :)

    1. Thank you so much for the feature! I am very excited about this series. I hope you'll play along!

  8. Love the openness of your recipie, I'm always using what I have rather than what I need to buy!

  9. Would powdered sugar work?

  10. I have never considered adding shaving foam as an ingredient!


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