Friday, January 24, 2014

Preschool Printables: S is for Snow

Here's another fun preschool packet made with PicMonkey...
S is for snow!

Writing Readiness
Print this page off, so the kids can trace the uppercase and lowercase letters with their finger.  Then have them use it as a guide to practice writing the letter S on individual dry erase boards or chalkboards.  They can color on the page when they are done.

The library is filled with fantastic books themed around winter and snow.  I'm sure your shelves at home have some great options too.
Here are a few of our favorites that fit the theme...
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen
Ladybug Girl and the Big Snow by Jacky Davis
Old Bear and His Cub by Olivier Dunrea
The Mitten by Jan Brett

Fine Motor
Tracing is a great way for kids to work on fine motor, concentration, and prewriting skills.

Gross Motor
Get outside and play in the snow!  If there is no snow, this would be a great time for some imaginative play.

Let the kids play with snow--real or artificial.  If there is snow on the ground outside, bring some inside for them to play with.  Other options: Buy the powder that makes artificial snow when mixed with water--Super Snow!  This can be bought from school supply stores or even online.  You can also crush ice in a blender and place it in a tub or bowl for the kids to play with.

Preschool Science
*Talk about the seasons.
*Demonstrate what happens to ice or snow when it melts and talk about why this happens.  When Lydia Grace was playing with the snow, she noticed that it began melting.  When I asked her why that was happening, she responded, "It is too warm inside for snow.  When it gets warm, it turns into water."  You'd be amazed at what scientific discoveries preschoolers can make!


Arts & Crafts
Make several of these to decorate with.

Happy learning and playing!


  1. I love your preschool activities! I look forward to using them with my son.

    1. Awww...thanks! I hope you both enjoy doing these together.

  2. I wish I would have had your site when my son was little. :)

  3. cute! I wish our snow wasn't all gone, We need the moisture. xo

  4. This is so cute and so creative!! Thanks for sharing your teaching skills!

  5. I love these Jennifer!! Thank you so much for spending the time on putting these together. I can't wait to work with my daughters on this :) ~Jenna


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