Friday, January 31, 2014

February's Goals: Monthly Goal Link Up

At the beginning of January, I teamed up with several other bloggers on a goal setting journey.  Each month we are composing and sharing our goals.  Here were mine for January...
For the family:
*The hubby and I did NOT get around to that date night.  Wait...  Does watching reruns of old television shows together after the kids go to bed count?  We lead an exciting life.  Let me tell you.  {laughing}  We will try again this month to go on an actual date.  After all, it is a month for love with Valentine's day right around the corner.
*Check, check, and check.  I enjoyed plenty of quality time with each of my kids individually.  Eli seems to especially enjoy time with just mommy.
*Building a fort out of couch cushions, writing on the new chalkboard wall, blowing bubbles inside, music time, and playing with an indoor tunnel and trampoline were some of the ways we found to actively play inside during this cold season.
For the home:
*Here is the master bathroom reveal.  I still have some sewing projects to finish for the boys' room.
For the blog:
*Yes!  There were a lot of fun posts shared this month.
*The sewing projects did not get finished.  Perhaps if we hadn't all been sick with the flu for almost two weeks out of the month, a little more sewing could have happened.  I was preoccupied with fevers during the night and holding my sweet babies.  Priorities!
For the Etsy shop:
*Here is a post and shop listing for the bunting!
*I have a good start on photographing the 100+ pieces that have not been listed in the shop, but I still have a lot of work to do.
For me:
*I squeezed in an e-book written by a fellow blogger one evening.
*I did paint.  It wasn't a large canvas, but it was still a fun painting project.  You can see it here.  It's all about baby steps, right?
For others:
*There were actually seven people who received a "just because" gift.  Although I didn't complete some of my other goals, I'm proud to say that this one got done.  Again, it's all about priorities.  People are more important.

Now that January is coming to a close, it's time to share my goals for February...

SMART goals
Cohosted by:

What are your goals for February?
Happy goal setting!
Image Map


  1. I love that you pointed out what worked and did not work for last month.

    I really need to do the date night with Hubby!

    1. I was thinking the date night with the hubbie was a good idea too... now to find a babysitter!

  2. I love the way that you broke down your goals into categories and I am a tad jealous that you are going to New York! How fun!

    1. Thanks, Dayna. The categories really help me create goals that will touch all areas of my life.

  3. Your etsy shop is darling! Have fun in NYC - happy birthday!!!

    1. Thanks! I noticed you stopped by and added it to your favorites. I appreciate that!

  4. I love how you broke your goals down! Have fun in New York!

    1. Thanks. I'm a little nervous about New York. I know I will miss my babies terribly, but it is going to be a great opportunity.

  5. great ideas for your etsy customers! :)

    1. Thanks! My little Etsy shop isn't really a profitable business. It's been an opportunity to financially give to charitable causes that I love, as well as, serve others. I love doing it, and if I can bring a smile to someone's face through it, then it has served its purpose.

  6. I seriously LOVE your background for the goal sheet. Do you mind sharing where you got that from? Our goals look so simliar! I vlog about mine once a month and have them categorized very similar to yours! Here's to marking off goals and making 2014 a great year!


Each and every one of your comments means so much to me. I love to hear from friends both old and new. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world and thanks for taking the time to let me know you were here.