Tuesday, December 31, 2013

January's Goals: Monthly Goal Link Up

I have never been a huge fan of New Year's Resolutions, but a monthly to do list is definitely something I can do.  When MaryAnne from Mama Smiles invited fellow bloggers to join her in creating and sharing goals each month, I was excited to participate.

I love to make lists--grocery lists, to do lists, lists filled with inspiring ideas, goals I want to accomplish...
I typically scribble them down on post-it notes or index cards.  There is power in writing things down.  It turns fleeting thoughts into something intentional and purposeful.  I recently discovered the sticky note program on the computer and have even been filling up the desktop with virtual sticky notes.  (I hope the hubby doesn't mind.)

These notes aren't typically items that I share.  They are just there--for me--to revel in the things that get checked off and push the things off that don't.  I want to be more purposeful this year though, so I'm joining up with several other bloggers on a goal setting journey.  What a great way to be held accountable!  We'll be sharing our goals for each month and providing a link up for you to share yours as well.  Here are mine...
SMART goals
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What are your goals for January?
Happy goal setting!


  1. I love your "to do" list! Mine is coming soon and I am looking forward to reading along with everyone each month! So happy to be part of this group!

  2. I love your to do list and so well put together!

  3. LOVE your "just because" gifts goal! What a fun way to make someone's day!

    1. Thanks, MaryAnne. I wanted to put an increased focus on doing things for others this year. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. You are one busy mama!! Look forward to following along this year!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I guess it wouldn't come as a shock that busy was one of the first words I spoke as a baby. I'd go around saying busy baby, busy baby". My word of the year is simplify. I'm hoping to bring it down to just doing the things that matter the most to me. One word I struggle with saying is no.


Each and every one of your comments means so much to me. I love to hear from friends both old and new. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world and thanks for taking the time to let me know you were here.