Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fall Mantle

When my sister and I were kids, my mom had a rule--more of a guideline--that the Christmas decorations, books, movies, and such were not to be brought out until after Thanksgiving was over.  She wanted to give Thanksgiving its due course.  On Thanksgiving Day, the house would still be decorated for fall.  We ate one of her made from scratch pumpkin pies for breakfast.  The air would be filled with all of the Thanksgiving deliciousness baking, simmering, and bubbling in the kitchen.  Childhood memories are so magical...

In keeping with her guideline, my own mantle is still decked out for fall...
My sister who is hosting Thanksgiving this year, shared her own fall decor on her blog the other day...
Take a peek.
My mom is at my sister's house now, helping her prepare the meal and teaching her how to cook her first Thanksgiving turkey.  This day holds so many traditions and memories for us all.  It was one of my dad's favorite holidays.  He would step right in and whip up the creamiest mashed potatoes I have ever had.  The turkey carving and prayer were duties that went to him as well.  Holidays are hard without him.  I can't help but think that he should still be here celebrating with us...
I have much to be thankful for though.  Family, friends, memories, and blessings...
My three biggest blessings (Lydia Grace, Eli, & Caleb who is sick right now), my husband, and I are about to head over to my sister's house to spend this day in celebration of something to truly be thankful for--family.

And so, dear friends, I end this post with a heartfelt wish that you too find much to be thankful for on this special day...
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Your mantel is gorgeous! My grandmother's house has always stayed decorated for fall up until the day after Thanksgiving too, and of course I now follow the same tradition. This morning I got all of our Christmas decorations out of the attic and they will go up, along with the tree, this weekend.

  2. precious! I love this time of year too...and especially all the wonderful memories it stirs up! Thanks for linkin up at #findingfall friend!


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