Monday, November 18, 2013

Carnival Birthday Party

I was flipping through pictures on the computer this morning and came across the ones from my sweet Eli's birthday party. He turned 2 on September 29, and I realized that I hadn't posted any pictures of the event here on the blog. I know. I know. I am WAY late on posting these, but they are just too cute to not at least share them with you now. My sister was a huge help in turning carnival party plans scribbled on index cards (We do our best thinking on paper.  At least, I do.) into a reality. She even did the face painting on the day of the party, as well as, convince her husband to be our carnival ringmaster. I couldn't have done this party without her!  Before you look at the pictures though, I have to confess a few things...

* The Duck Pond Game was a mess. And not the good kind of mess where the kids get a little wet.  The sweet little ducks just wouldn't float and the inflatable "pond" was deflating right before my eyes. Oh well!  It can't all be perfect--says the perfectionist.
* Our idea for displaying the cotton candy was also a bit of a failure. The humidity began to cause the soft confection to harden. Being a momma has taught me to always have plan B. We had to break out the unopened tubs instead of using the cute little paper cones of cotton candy that I had worked so hard to put together. For any of you plan your own carnival party, please note that cotton candy and a humid day in the South are not a good combination.
* This party took so much planning and work that I don't even want to think about planning another party. I'm partied out--at least for now. I guess we will see how long that lasts.

With all of that being said, it was all worth it to give sweet Eli a fun-filled day. Sinking ducks or little guy loved it! It really was a cute party despite the minor flaws mentioned above. Again, I couldn't have done it without my sister. Eli had a blast! There was cake, candy, fun, food, tickets, prizes, a balloon dart game along with several other games. Who wouldn't have fun with all of that?! (Maybe I should have started with all of the good points.) Let's just get on with the party!

This is a great theme for a birthday party, neighborhood block party, or even a school fundraiser!

What do you think? Would this theme work for your child's next birthday? Have you ever thrown a carnival party?
Happy partying!


  1. This is such a fun idea for a party! Bringing the carnival to you! Gonna pin it for when our little man is old enough...he's not even born yet...can never start planning too early right???

  2. Thanks, Luisa. It really way a blast. I played some of the games once the kids all left. LOL! No, it is never too early to start planning. It goes by WAY too fast. Take care and thanks for stopping by!

  3. Loved this party! :-) I had fun helping.

  4. This is really cute! It looks like a lot of fun :)

  5. What a fabulous party idea! I love the carnival idea, my boys are too old but my nephews would love it! Thanks so much for linking up to our weekly Mommy Club Resource party! I hope to see you back!

  6. This is so cute! I'm not very creative when it comes to party planning, but I've pinned this for future inspiration!

  7. This is so cute! Pinning! Thanks for sharing on Show Off Friday!

    Jenn @ IHeartHandsOn

  8. So so darling!! Thanks for sharing on Wow We Wednesday!


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