Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Little Bird Told Me Number #62 and A BIG Announcement

Welcome to...
The Life of Jennifer Dawn

Here I am!  Yes, I'm still here!  Sorry I have been absent lately.  A LOT has been going on!
There has been...
Eli's birthday party to plan and host,
Some home remodeling,
Big projects I've been working on but haven't had the time to blog about yet,
Still dealing with a lot of sadness over daddy's death (especially as we draw close to the one year anniversary),
A life altering decision--to resign my virtual teaching job and be a stay at home mommy rather than a work from home mommy!

Yes, on October 16...
I will be starting yet another chapter in my life.  For those of you who know me, you know that this is something I have prayed about for years.  God's timing is always perfect!

More on that later, but for now...
Let's celebrate my BIG decision with a party!

Let's get started with four fabulous posts that were linked up during the last party...
Debbie from Made from Pinterest shared with us how to make Mini Apple Pie Cookies.
Shelley--The Hap Hazard Krafter--linked up a tutorial for Yarn Pumpkins.
Maggie of The Love Nerds linked up a recipe for Homemade Apple Butter.
Joy from XOXO Grandma shared a stunning Plaid Outfit that she sewed!

Wonderful posts, ladies!  Feel free to grab a button if you were featured...
The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Now it's time for this week's party! 
I know my fellow bloggers are doing some fantastic things out there in blogland.  A little bird told me that you are!  I'd love for you to share a recipe, craft, home decor project, or any post you're proud of...
Grab a button, link up, visit others, and be sure to leave some comment love on each other's posts!  That same little birdie told me that we all love comments!
I will feature a few more fabulous links next week.  Remember that you must link back in order to be featured.  If your link does get featured, I have a special Pinterest board to further showcase your tremendous talent!
For my non-blogging readers, feel free to visit the links and glean inspiration!
Here we go!  I can't wait to see the amazing things that you link up this week!


  1. Congrats on your decision to be a stay at home mommy! You will love it!!!

    1. Thanks! I am very excited about what this will mean for my kids!

  2. Thank you Jennifer for another party!

    1. You are very welcome. Thanks for coming back each week!

  3. Congratulations on your decision, that is lovely news :-) Thinking of you as you approach the first anniversary of your father's death. I know from experience that is not an easy thing.

    Thank you for hosting the linky. I've shared my Beef Stroganoff. It's delicious and very easy too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, April.

      Thank you for the warm thoughts at this challenging time.

  4. Thank you for hosting, especially amidst all your chaos - I quite understand the work in planning those big birthday parties, as you can see by my Nemo party link, lol. Hopefully some of the crazy will help you cope on that sad anniversary. :(

    1. I stopped by to take a look at the Nemo party and commented. So cute!

  5. Replies
    1. You are very welcome, Annie. Be sure to come back.

  6. Thanks you for your hard work hosting this fab party. Happy Wednesday !!!
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

    1. As always, Crystelle, you are very welcome. I love to see your links each week!

  7. Wow, that's a big decision indeed! Congrats Jennifer!!!


    1. It was a big decision, and one that was difficult to make. I think it is going to be the best thing for my family though.

  8. Congratulations on your decision to be a SAHM. God will richly bless you for trusting Him in this. I was also a working mom, then a stay at home working mom, then a stay at home mom. You can read some of my posts on my Working Mom vs SAHM Pinterest board:

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. I will certainly stop by and read some of the posts. It sounds like you followed the same journey. :)


Each and every one of your comments means so much to me. I love to hear from friends both old and new. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world and thanks for taking the time to let me know you were here.