Monday, August 5, 2013

Little Ones...

I've heard it so many times...
"Enjoy it!  They don't stay little forever!"
And it is so true.
I became very aware of that fact within the first week of having Lydia Grace.  She was lifting her head, opening her eyes, and already growing way too fast.  
Four years later she is using words like "safekeeping", fighting with her brother, wanting to pick out her own clothes, and still growing way too fast.
My kids are at the heart of why I left my teaching position at a brick and mortar school and took a job that allowed me to become a work from home momma.  I know that making a drastic career choice of that nature is not right for everyone, but for me it was the only choice.  Loosing daddy to cancer further solidified  for me how beautiful and fragile life really is.  Every moment we have with the ones we love is a gift.  Every moment--from the ones filled with utter bliss down to the ones filled with tantrums and tears.  Of course, there will always be frustrating mommy moments when I grasp for answers on how to handle a situation or wonder if I'm doing things the right way.  But then again, is there really one "right way"?   All any momma can do is to show up and give it their best...
Play, love, guide, pray, hug, kiss, hope, and enjoy.
I want to strive to...
enjoy each moment for the what it is...
find joy in the little things...
soak up the blessings that being a mommy brings...
they won't always be this small...
Slurps on pacifiers, cuddles, fairy tales, climbing through tents and tunnels, crayon scribbled hearts, potty seats, messy masterpieces, tea parties, and stuffed animals...
These will be gone all too soon and replaced by the next chapter of motherhood, but for now, I'll revel in the beautiful moments that the early chapters of this beautiful adventure bring... 
Happy memories!

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