Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Baby Rattle Socks

Caleb has only recently discovered his feet...
Don't you just love getting to witness a baby discovering something for THE FIRST TIME?!  The intent look on their sweet little face is amazing as fixate on their new discovery.  It is almost as if they are thinking, "Oh, wow!  Is that my hand?  Am I making it move like that?"
Or in this case, foot...
Yes, baby boy!  Those are your feet!  And in those cute socks, your wiggly feet even rattle!
Yochi Yochi is an online company that sells fun baby socks that rattle and shoes in sizes 4-10 that squeak.  They were kind enough to send Baby Caleb his own pair of froggy socks.  That is one happy baby there!  After they passed the baby approval test, I wondered if they would also pass the washing machine test.  Guess what?  They held up perfectly through both washing and drying, and let's face it...
with something that a baby is going to be wearing, that is crucial!

Shake, rattle, and roll, little one!
Happy feet!

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