Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

The days leading up to Christmas are always packed with last-minute wrapping, final preparations, traveling, and splitting time with both sides of the family.  Christmas Day has become our day to just stay at home and enjoy the kids and being together.  Presents, cider, a lit fireplace, scones, my mom's quiche recipe and Christmas music started out the day.  For the last four years, I have put together a large meal at our house and invited both of our families to join us for Christmas dinner.  Lydia Grace and Eli had their own separate table to sit at this year--"the kids' table".  Eli felt like such a big boy getting to sit with his sissy.  Don't you love the Christmas mess in the background behind where the kids are eating?!  You can tell that they had fun.  The day finished off with us still in our pajamas enjoying movies, crafts, family, gifts, and lots of treats...
 How was your Christmas?
I have to admit that this one was bittersweet for me.  The kids filled it with wonderful memories, but it was hard to not have my dad around this year.  He always loved this time of year.  I am sure there are many of you who were faced with similar feelings.
Happy remembering--those who made this year special, as well as, those who made past Christmases wonderful!


  1. Adorable ! One can see they had so much fun :-) Miss the days when my kids were little and the opening of presents early in the morning..

  2. I found your blog through the pinfest and am a new follower. I am so glad to find another sewer. Look forward to reading more of your stuff. My sons name is Eli too.



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