Monday, December 31, 2012

Best of 2012

Here is the countdown for your favorite posts from 2012...
6. Handmade Push Pins (Here and here)
4. Onesie Dresses from my Etsy Shop (Here and here)
1. Baby Bundle Tutorials (Here and here)


A Few Personal Superlatives...
Sweetest Memory: 

Proudest Mommy Moments:

Biggest Heartbreak:

Most Miraculous Moment:

Biggest Life Changes:

Most Delicious Post:

Favorite Sewing/Craft Projects:

Milk Jug Glasses--The Day I Felt Like I Was on Craft Wars,

Most Magical Day:

Goodbye 2012!
Happy 2013!  Thanks for following along!


  1. Just found your blog and I love it! I am following and look forward to catching up on some of your posts from 2012! Happy new year!

  2. Great job. Love your tutorials:)

    Hopping by and following your twitter, FB, G+ and Pinterest.

    blogging at

  3. All your projects are so stinken cute! I'm hosting a Best of 2012 Showcase party if you'd like to swing by to share your favorite posts/projects of the year. No need to brush your hair or even put on a party dress!;)

  4. How have I not stumbled upon your blog before? I adore so many of your top 12 items adn appreciate you sharing many personal moments as well. My mother has lung cancer and will not survive through the end of this year, so I will join your site so I can scroll through your previous posts about your father. And, of course, I plan on trying my hand at some of these super cute sewing projects.


Each and every one of your comments means so much to me. I love to hear from friends both old and new. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world and thanks for taking the time to let me know you were here.