The Life of Jennifer Dawn: Happy Sunday!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Sunday!

My mother asked me last night how I decide which verse I am going to share each week.  I told her that sometimes I start with a picture and simply choose a verse to go with it or other times I select the verse first and then find a picture that I've previously taken to pair it with.  I guess it is kinda like the proverbial chicken and egg...  Which came first? 

This week...
the verse came first.
It was a verse that was weighing on my heart and mind this morning when I woke up.

I've had a choice before me...nothing life or death, but a difficult and exhausting choice nonetheless.  It's a choice in which I feel like God is leading to me take a step of faith.
I will share more about it in the coming days...
For now I'll leave you with Luke 12:27-28.
I hope reading it this morning is as uplifting to your spirit as it was to mine.lifeof


  1. I love it, and I adore your blog and the designs. Simply sweet, simply fresh, simply wonderful!

  2. How refreshing and what a wonderful verse. Absolutely gorgeous photo!
    God Bless,

  3. Love that passage. Thanks for sharing--what a great reminder!

  4. I love this verse; it speaks to me every single time I hear it.


  5. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes the picture, sometimes the verse...always a God-thing, I believe!

  6. Love the picture and the passage. Visiting from Scripture and a Snapshot :D


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