Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Life Remembered: Nellie L. Friese

My grandmother (Nellie L. Friese) went home to be with Jesus on Monday, October 10, 2011.  It is always hard to say goodbye to those we love, but I find it comforting to know that I will see her again someday in heaven.  I also find comfort in knowing that in heaven there are no tears, sickness, or pain.  My mammaw is healthy, whole, and with those she loved who have gone before her.  

She was a woman of faith.  One of her favorite passages of scripture was The Lord's Prayer.  It is comforting to know that she is now walking alongside the father in heaven she loved so dearly.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
~Matthew 6:9-13~
It always seems that when a family member passes, memories of them come flooding back.  Each person seems to have their own set of things they remember best about their loved one.  A wave of memories floods my own mind as I think back on the grandmother that I knew and loved. 

Born in 1932 she lived a good, long life devoted to her husband, three children, and family. 

She had a quiet nature, but when she did have something to stopped to listen because whatever it was that she had to contribute to the conversation was going to be good, wise, or funny. 

She had a fierce love for her family and a giving, tender heart. 

Living on a farm, she, of course, loved animals too.  I remember how the kittens that use to run wild on the farm would approach no one but her. 

She was a homebody, and hated to be away from her country home for very long. 

I remember visits when my sister and I were little.  Mammaw always wanted to cook for the family, and she never wanted anyone to go away hungry. 

What a sweet tooth she had!  Cherry cordials were one of her favorite candies, and my mother would always buy her some at Christmas. 

She never forgot a special date or a birthday... 

These are just a few of the things I remember and think upon as I go back through all of the memories I have of her.  That's all we are left with when a loved one leaves us--memories of them.  But those memories are such beautiful, comforting things.
*Lydia Grace in the arms of her great-grandmother.


  1. Jennifer, I am soo sorry for you loss..grandmothers are always so special. I understand your feelings as I have lost both of my grandmothers in the past two weeks.. Take comfort in your family and those wonderful memories. You will be in my thoughs and prayers.

  2. I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I lost mine 6.14.11, and miss her so much. It's funny you mentioned cherry cordials--my grandmother, mom, and myself all loved them...and at Christmas my grandmother would wrap up a box for mom and me, and my mom for my grandmother. Thinking of you.

  3. Sending hugs and prayers your way.
    I'm sorry for your loss.
    She will forever live on in your heart and memories and as you said, you will see her again in the best place ever!



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