Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eli's Coming!

Tim and I are currently on our way to drop Lydia Grace off at her Mimi and Papa's house and then heading to the hospital because...
Eli's coming!

It has been determined that it would be best to induce and give this pregnancy a little push toward its end.
By the end of today, I should be holding my baby boy in my arms.  Keep us in your prayers!

My dad informed me the other day that there is a song with Eli's name.  Have you heard it before?  Well, here it is...

It's called Eli's Comin'!
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What an appropriate song for today!


  1. How very exciting!!! Thinking and praying about your family!! Can't wait to see your little man!! Hugs!

  2. Congratulations! Fingers crossed for a speedy, safe delivery.

  3. I hope you are doing well! Congratulations on your newest addition.
    Holding my baby girl for the first time was such an amazing blessing and I didn't know it was possible to love so much!
    I can only imagine that you are feeling that all over again with Eli!
    Keeping y'all in our prayers!


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