Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Motherhood: The Ride of Your Life!

It was just a ride at a local amusement park...

but suddenly I was envisioning the day her daddy would teach her to drive...

and the day when she would eventually take off on her own...

Lydia Grace, can't you just stay this age forever?  Let's just stick with riding cute little piggies and duckies.  Okay?

Okay!  Okay!  Fine.  No deal.  
I know someday will come, but today you are still my vivacious toddler.  
I can't help it if I feel like someday is coming way too fast, so please allow me to keep this image in my head--the one of you with your pink, curls, and dimples.

Wow!  We really do have a great ride ahead of us, little one.

Linked to...
Project 52: Glimpse Into Motherhood


  1. Her hair just seems to be growing so fast and she's so blonde right now!
    Her facial expressions have me giggling at my computer, which in turns has Bitsy Hitzy kicking in the womb!

  2. O she is absolutely adorable!! i love those curls!! and you'll have to put this photo up for her sweet 16 someday!!

    stopping by and your newest follower from the "boost my blog" hop! hope you stop by and visit us!

  3. Don't you just wish you could keep them this way forever? She is a doll!

    I am a new follower from the Friday Blog Hop. If you can return the favor, stop by and say hi!


  4. LOve love her curls! She is adorable!

    New follower from Boost my blog Friday!

    Feel free to follow back !

  5. Yes, they do go fast! Take lots of pics! I am a new follwer thru GFC and RSS Feed. I would love a follow back on both when you get a chance. I would follow on FB but had a disaster last Friday. I was going along and liking and following and then FB popped up and said I was spamming and blocked me out of my own FB for 15 days! (5 more to go) but they would not answer my emails so I don't know why. I followed the blog hop rules and when you sign up for them you are giving people the permission to stop by. Anyway, I am keeping a list of those I need to catch up with who do follow now or you can wait until another blog hop and I will follow then on FB so you can follow back. Either way is okay and I understand if you wish to wait. I am afraid now to leave comments on FB so when I do follow I will leave the comment on blogger's blog that I follow so that does not happen again. Thanks for your help and have a great weekend!


  6. I do that all the time with my daughter. She is 6 and she is growing sooooo fast right now. I actually cried today and yesterday while I was dropping her off at school. I wish she could be smaller again. I hate seeing her grow up so fast!


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