Tuesday, June 7, 2011

IKEA here I come!

I have never been to an IKEA.  I know many of you who frequent the store are probably thinking that it isn't a big deal to go there.  But it seems like I can't open a decorating magazine without seeing some sort of inexpensive treasure from there.  


There is one about 30 miles from us here in Florida, so we will be doing some shopping while on vacation.  EXCITED!  I will have to show you the all the goodies I purchase when we get home.  Tim has already given me a lecture on not buying too much so we will still have room for the luggage on the drive back home.  Ha!  Who needs luggage when you have a car full of lovely goodies from an IKEA shopping excursion?!


  1. I love IKEA, I only wish we had one closer but then again my checking account doesn't! I seem to go for a specific thing and come home with a basket full! Have fun!

    Kelli @ loveoursimplelife.blogspot.com

  2. Ooooh! Have fun! We have one near me in Tampa and we like to go lots! Our home is slowly but surely looking Ikea-ish but hopefully more cottage-y. I love those lanterns and I have not seen them in pastels yet. How are you feeling?

  3. You are adorable!
    I really like the lamps that you posted so super cute!
    Can't wait to see what all you find there!


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