Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Entryway: From Bland to Better

Our house has been and still is a work in progress...
I hate to decorate with something unless I absolutely love it.  A friend of mine comes over and comments on my minimalist style.  I can say confidently that I am not a minimalist, but I understand the assumption considering the bare spots that I have still yet to fill with something lovely and inspiring.  I am also not a Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's who couldn't make a home her own due to a fear of being rooted there.  In my case, it is simply that I put great thought, shopping, and research into my decorating plan before executing it.  Through many moves, a box has accumulated of things that I still love but haven't quite found a home for.  It is my Home Decor Box.  After FINALLY finding the perfect entryway table and raiding "The Box", I turned our front entryway from something bland to something much better. 



  Now our home looks a bit more inviting...
It is amazing what you can do with things that you already have lying around.  The antique books have been in my collection for years, the coral in one of the candle votives came from our honeymoon snorkeling excursion in Grand Cayman, and the flowers were cut from a lovely plant we have growing outside.


  1. So pretty!
    I love Cala Lilies!
    How are you feeling these days?

  2. Darling. You did a good job feeling the space. :)


    P.S. I'm following you now.


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