Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Verse for Your Sunday and a Baby Update

For those of you who need a little update before the update, click here to read the story...
Every baby is such a miracle!  We were certainly in awe of that miracle when my husband and I were expecting Lydia Grace.  But I think after two unsuccessful pregnancies, Tim and I have been even more in awe of the miraculous process during this pregnancy.  After having  some tragic visits to the doctor, we don't take the happy ones for granted like we did before.  We never realized there was any kind of risk with Lydia Grace.  I got pregnant, and she was always fine.  After the two miscarriages, we learned that there was something to fear.  At each visit to the doctor, I hold my breath until I hear that amazing, beating sound of a little heart.  I worry more than I did with L.G., but with each passing day, I grow more and more assured that we will finally become a family of four.  After having Lydia Grace, our family felt so complete.  Ever since the miscarriages I have been plagued with a feeling of loss...something is missing from our family...there is a void that I haven't been able to fill.  God is slowly filling that void with his love, peace, and the additional of this wonderful miracle to our family.
Everything is perfect with this little one.  No blood clots as the aspirin continues to work and God's hand of protection continues to be on this new little life.  We opted not to do the blood thinners.  We wanted to make things as uncomplicated as possible, and our doctor and specialist were completely on board with our decision.  However, the doctor has been on a close watch for any problems that would force us to begin blood thinners.  Right now, everything is perfect though!  Praise God!
The best news of all is that we will find out on Thursday whether Lydia Grace is getting a brother or sister.  Once the family is informed, I will be sure to post the gender.  What a happy day Thursday is going to be!    


  1. Oh yeah!
    I am so excited to find out the gender of your little blessing!
    We find out May 18th and I can't wait!
    I hope you are feeling wonderful and having a blessed weekend!

  2. Liftin you all up in prayer.. We survived miscarriage... and have two beautiful daughters.. We love them more because of the losses.. never taking them fcor granted!

  3. Oh, how exciting!! I'll be praying for all to continue going smoothly and that Thursday gets here fast! ;)

  4. Wow! Awesome! God's word and this photo prove that life begins at conception. Amen!


  5. Thank you for sharing your journey! I had a miscarriage between our first and second definitely puts into perspective what blessings and miracles babies really are!!!

  6. Oh happy day!!! Congratulations! Every single life is a miracle, for no matter what man may do, it is GOD that breathes life and gives a soul.


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