I went back to work today, but yesterday...
Going back to work today after having three snow days was rough. I really enjoyed my time at home with Lydia Grace. Sometimes I feel so guilty that I have to work. She is at an age where she doesn't really understand where mommy goes all day. It will be nice when I can explain to her and have her understand. I know that a lot of mommies have to work, but I still can't help feeling guilty when I leave her. There are so many moments I miss during the day. There are so many smiles, new words, milestones, and beautiful moments that I will never be able to witness. Don't get me wrong...I'm passionate about teaching, and I love my 4th graders, but my heart still breaks when I have to say goodbye to L.G. each day. Before Lydia Grace "graced" me with her presence, I never knew that leaving your child to go to work could be this hard...
I don't have kids quite yet, but wonder how I will feel about leaving them to go back to work also. At least at teachers, we get the benefit of many days off, so hopefully that eases the guilt a little. (Please tell me it does, ha!) :-)