Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Princess Tea Party {Snow Day: Take 1}

I love snow days!  It gives me more time to spend with Lydia Grace.  So what do we do with all that extra time at home together?  We have princess tea parties, of course.

The guests were all patiently awaiting the arrival of the princess...

Oh!  Here she comes...

What did we do at our tea party?  Well, we ate yummy treats,

put on our tea party hats and dressed up in jewels from the royal treasure box,

ate some more,

played with pinwheels,

read books,

ate even more goodies,

played with a princess paper doll book,

and just enjoyed being together.

What a great tea party!
The End!

*Affiliate links have been added to help guide you to some of our favorite books.


  1. Um, that is like the best tea party everrrr! :)

  2. looking for a cute tent for my little one. love your pink one? where did you find that?


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