Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lydia Grace's Magical Closet Makeover

 Lydia Grace received a lot of new toys for Christmas from family and friends.  Due to the influx, the closet was out of control.  Take a look...

 With a little bit of Mommy's organizing magic, one of these nifty storage units...

this cute pink tub...

 and a few of these handy pink baskets...

the closet kingdom was at peace again.
In case you are wondering, the "magic" storage items came from TargetNow the next task is sorting through the princess's wardrobe.

Happy Organizing!

*Affiliate links may be present to help guide you to the perfect product to complete your own closet makeover.


  1. I am going to be posting a closet organizing day next week! I would LOVE for you to link this up!! :) Great job!

  2. Oh how I love those Target bins! We used ours for the closet and for our storage daybeds (pic on my blog). LOVE them!

  3. Funny how a good organizing post gets us all so excited. It looks wonderful! ANd I love your daughter's name. We have a Michaela Grace:)

  4. Love the reorganization! I have been working on that too.. And I featured your onsie dress on my blog today .. Grab your featured button @

  5. Oh! I wish my mommy would do that for me :)
    Beautifully coordinated.

  6. looks fantastic! bet you feel so much better now that you've organized her closet! So cute too with the goodies you found in pink!

  7. Probably the best piece of advice I got when my guys were little was from my mother-in-law who told me to have the kids toys on rotation.

    So weekly I would swap out 1/3 of them (I would just put them in a bin in the storage area). When ever I swapped them out the kids played with toys they hadn't seen in two weeks and they were like new again to them.

    They never got bored with there toys because of this.


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