Thursday, September 9, 2010

Onesie and Tutu Ensemble (Part 4)

The Artificial Flower Brooch

*large artificial flower
*hot glue gun

1. Take an artificial flower apart by removing the stem and the middle piece that holds the petals together (pistil).

2. Begin hot gluing each individual petal onto the pistil of the flower.
Note: Be sure to glue the petals on in order from the smallest to the largest.  I only use the soft petals and throw away the plastic pieces that support the petals.

3. Once you have glued all of the petals on, hot glue the final green piece onto the pistil.  Snip off any of the pistil that sticks up and secure it with a dab of glue.  Finish the brooch off by gluing a pin onto the back of the flower.

4. Pin the flower broaoh onto a tutu, skirt, headband, blouse...whatever!  It adds a lovely finishing touch.

You may also remember the one I made for Lydia Grace's first tutu.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for swinging by! I just love the tutu!! She's so adorable :) It's so fun being a girl!


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