Saturday, August 14, 2010

Classroom: Before and After

Where have I been this week?  Why no posts with cute pictures of Lydia Grace or a crafty project?  Well, I have been tackling one of the most time consuming tasks of being a teacher which is turning this...
 into this...

I'm not quite finished, but it's not a bad start for four days of moving furniture, decorating, planning, cleaning, purging, unpacking, stapling, plugging up, rearranging, hanging, taping...  You get the idea.  The weekend is here (or as I like to shout happily to my daughter while cheering and clapping my hands...Happy Family Days), so the craftiness and picture taking of Lydia Grace will be in full force. Let me take that back.  The weekend will convene after I get up at 4:00 in the morning to be near the front of the line of teachers waiting outside the Teacher Supply Depot for free classroom supplies.  Can you believe how desperate we are for some paper, books, and markers?

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