Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If you give Lydia Grace a muffin...

She will want to read the book If You Give a Moose a Muffin.

 The book will remind her that she loves to cook(She has her own drawer in the kitchen filled with her own "kid friendly" cooking utensils.  This is a great idea for parents with small children.  They can play in their drawer while you cook.  If you decide to create a cabinet or drawer for your child, pick a space that is within their reach.  Lydia Grace can go straight to her drawer and start playing.  And she stays out of the places she isn't supposed to be peeking because she knows she has a drawer of her own.)

Of course, she will need mommy's help to make some muffins.

Making the muffins will remind her how hungry she is.

While she is eating, she will remember how much she loves to share her food, so mommy will eat a muffin too.

And chances are if Lydia Grace and mommy are eating muffins, they will want to read If You Give a Moose a Muffin again and again.

Happy reading and baking!

*Affiliate links have been added to help guide you to some of our favorite books.

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