Friday, March 12, 2010


*The sinus infection is gone.  That was my first one, and it was horrible.
*My school received a glowing report on their SACS evaluation.
*Lydia Grace's birthday and birthday party went well...I'm working on those blog posts.
*We found new childcare for L. G.  She is being watched by a very nice Christian lady.  She is the only child in her care, so she is getting loads of attention.
*I didn't win the LBB/Dharma Challenge with my baby outfits.  There were over 150 fantastic entries submitted.  I did have fun participating though.  It was a great challenge to myself to try some new sewing techniques.  I also ended up with some cute outfits for Lydia Grace.
*I'm ready to start blogging again.  I've missed it...  I'm not one of those amazing blogging moms out there who has thousands of followers.  I'm just a mom with a few close followers...blogging about her life and her family if for no other reason than the fact that I enjoy it.  I hope those of you who do read it enjoy it too.

And because no blog post is complete without a is a sneak peek of Lydia Grace's birthday pictures...
That is yummy food from the Apple Cake Tea Room on her face.

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