Friday, March 12, 2010

March 1, 2010 was Lydia Grace's First Birthday!

Lydia Grace's birthday was a fantastic day!  I took the day off from work, so I could be with her and make it a very special day.  We got the yucky stuff out of the way first--her one year check-up.  Then it was time for the fun to begin.

She went to see Mimi who had some presents waiting from her and Papa.

Lydia Grace, her Mimi, and I went to the Apple Cake Tea Room for a delicious lunch.

Lydia even got to eat some yummy apple cake.

After lunch, we went to Target where Mimi let L.G. pick out an outfit and a toy.  Of course, she had to play with everything before choosing just the right one.

With her new toy in tow, Lydia Grace and I went back to Mimi's to play and watch some Sesame Street (her favorite show).

When we got home, I made a spaghetti dinner for Tim, Lydia, and me.  Lydia Grace kept saying, "Uh oh"
 every time she dropped a piece of spaghetti.  She was truly worried about the mess.  (I have no idea where she gets that from.)

And what birthday could be complete without cake...

and presents...

  Mimi, Papa, and Aunt Allison came over to join in on the festivities of the evening.

By the end of the day, Lydia was exhausted.

It had been a great birthday though!

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