Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Look Back at 2009

WOW! What a year it has been!
Tim and I started out 2009 anticipating the arrival of Lydia Grace.There were baby showers to attend... things to items to buy... and nursery preparations to be made.By Valentine's Day, Lydia Grace was getting pretty big. (And so was my belly.)I kept working right up until her arrival though. Lydia Grace "graced" us with her presence on March 1, 2009 at 3:45 am. She was 7 pounds and 4 ounces.The year continued to bring many special moments with each passing day. Tim and I had gone from being a couple to a family of three.Despite the joy of a new baby, the year was not without its share of troubles. Lydia Grace was rushed to the hospital the first week I went back to work. She had been sick at home the previous week. In spite of all the Pedialyte, she suffered from severe dehydration. She was stuck dozens of times (including in her head) before they finally got a line in her for fluids. After x-rays, CT Scans, a spinal tap, bacterial cultures, blood tests, a test for Rotavirus... (I think you get the idea.) They came up with nothing conclusively as to what had made her sick. They were concerned with her extremely high blood counts--leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, and other terms were thrown at us. The week we spent in the hospital with her was truly the worst week of our lives.
To make this very long story short...
Lydia spent the next five months undergoing multiple outpatient tests at Children's Hospital, blood work, and a change in pediatricians. Her counts were getting worse or staying as high as they had been in the hospital. Possible diagnoses of cancer, heart defects, and absence of a spleen were given to us. All tests proved these diagnoses false though. Thank goodness! After much prayer from family, friends, and the hundreds of others lifting our baby up to the lord, Lydia Grace got perfect blood results back. At six months old, she received a clean bill of health! Were the escalated counts just a residual effect from her prior illness? Had there been something wrong and God heard our prayers? Who knows? I don't need answers. All I need to remember is that her counts are perfect now and that God was always watching over her.On a happier note...
Tim and I celebrated our first Mother's Day and Father's Day as parents.
Being a teacher, I got the whole summer off to spend with Lydia. It was a wonderful summer filled with trips to the zoo, special outings, a wedding where Tim danced with his precious baby girl, Lydia Grace's first Fourth of July, and other memorable moments.Being the American Idol fans that we are, Tim and I attended the Season 8 American Idol Concert and David Cook's 100th Concert.Fall gusted in with a visit to the corn maze, walks in the fall leaves, and other fun events.The holiday season flew by. Doesn't it always?Now it is the year 2010!

The year 2009 was truly a memorable year, but I am looking forward to all the adventures that this brand new year will hold.

Happy New Year!

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