Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bad Hair Day

We got Lydia Grace out of her crib this morning, and she was having... Well, she was having... A VERY BAD HAIR DAY. These wafts of hair just wouldn't stay down no matter what efforts we took to fix them. It got me thinking...

There are always going to be BAD HAIR DAYS.
Those days when nothing seems right, and even your hair is just...ALL WRONG.

What's a girl to do?

Well, there is only one thing you can do. You've got to just keep SMILING.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little one you have...even with her bad hair day;)

    Thank you so much for your earlier comments on my blog. I'm so happy to hear that it touched you. Hope you have a wonderful Labor day:)


Each and every one of your comments means so much to me. I love to hear from friends both old and new. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the world and thanks for taking the time to let me know you were here.