Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Strawberry Cupcakes

Lydia was all set-up to help mommy make strawberry cupcakes, when a startling discovery was made...we were out of eggs. No problem, Aunt Allison had the answer...
Recipe for Summer Strawberry Cupcakes
Strawberry Cake Mix
2 cups applesauce

Mix ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Spray the pan or use cupcake papers. Fill each section 2/3 full. Bake at 350* for 25 minutes. Cool. Add strawberry frosting. Makes 18-20 cupcakes.
That's it! Nothing else. How simple is that?! The applesauce brings out the fruity taste of the strawberries, creates cupcakes that are more moist, and makes them slightly more healthy. Well, they're a little more healthy until you add the icing.

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