Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have always LOVED antiques--antique books, antique furniture, vintage clothing... Recently I got on a cameo "kick" when my sister mentioned she had been looking for a cameo ring. After scouring a local antique store, I just couldn't find what I was looking for though. I went home and searched for cameos on etsy.com, and that is when I found these beautiful pieces. I was so intrigued by my new treasures that I decided to do a little cameo research...

Cameo Facts
*The origins of the cameo date back to 15,000 B.C. when figures were carved into rocks in order to relay a message, story, or moral.

*Throughout history cameos have served many purposes: to tell a story, to commemorate an important event, to honor a person of prestige, to be worn as a sign of personal wealth and prestige...

*Cameos have mostly been worn by women, but at different times in history, men have also worn them. Catherine the Great, Napoleon, Pope Paul II, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, and many other individuals of great fame have worn cameos.

*Stone, shells, gems, and other materials have been used to create cameos.

*Gods, goddesses, heroes, rulers, biblical events, and Greek and Roman mythology have all been depicted on cameos.

*Cameos have made appearances on helmets, swords, rings, jewelry, vases, dishes, and many other items.

Although history has influenced and changed the cameo through the years, one thing has remained the same. They have always served as a symbol of beauty.

Sources: New England Antiques Journal and Anna M. Miller's Cameos Old and New


  1. I too have several cameos. The real ones made from shell. There are so many imitation ones out there it's a trick to know if they're real...the way to know this is to hold the cameo up to the light, and if you can see shell markings and light filtering through it, it's real. I have an antique cameo ring that is just, to me, priceless. Love your sharing!!!

    My Show n tell is "Troll Talk" if you'd like to click on the link and visit with me today

  2. Thanks for the history. I never knew the origins of the cameo before. Thanks for sharing, ~~Sherry~~

  3. Great minds think alike! Your cameos are beautiful!


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